Twilights Kellan Lutz Talks Acting, Modeling And Emmett (Plus New Photoshoot)

Taken from YPB Magazine

Twilight star Kellan Lutz has enough sex appeal to sustain him in Hollywood for a while, but it’s his true talents that light up the screen and give him goals that far surpass the vampire saga.

Blonde-haired, blue-eyed and bulky-biceped Kellan Lutz is loving life right now as a member of one of the hottest Hollywood casts to ever hit the big screen. The 25-year-old actor/model was an instant hit with the Twilight series fans, making an impact even with the small number of lines and quick glimpses of his character, Emmett Cullen, that were seen in the first couple movies. But all the pasty white vampire makeup in the world couldn’t hide the real talent Lutz possesses, though he claims this is never a position he looked to be in.

“Modeling and acting is one of the biggest blessings that has ever entered my life,” Lutz says. “I really fell into modeling when I was in high school when a buddy of mine was photographed for Dillard’s and he was in the local newspaper and we made fun of him. And then his comeback was, ‘I made $500 for that photo shoot.’ To us kids in high school in Arizona that’s a lot of money so I asked how he got involved and he walked me through the steps of getting an agent. So I started modeling. And I liked it. I really liked being in front of the camera. It was this new world that I never really knew existed.”

Once Lutz figured out he had a good thing going, he was able to capitalize on the opportunity even further A but not without experiencing some resistance from his family first. He explains it as his parents having “a fear of the unknown,” as parents are typically known for when the idea of a college degree has the potential to get thrown out the window. But he went for it and rationalizes, “It was never a dream for me, which is kind of helpful because it’s not a limitation. I don’t have a ceiling saying, ‘Oh, I haven’t made it yet, I’m a failure’ – because everything I do, it’s like, this is awesome! I was on my own for a little bit and there were hard times, but then my parents saw that I wasn’t getting into dirtiness or, to be honest, pornography. I think that was the biggest fear And I didn’t want a plan B because if you have a plan B than that means you’re allowing plan A to potentially fail.”

After moving to Los Angeles to go to college at Chapman University he found himself with a major coveted modeling gig as the Abercrombie & Fitch catalogue cover boy. It was soon after that the burgeoning star had one of those moments when all it took was for someone to say something inspiring to get the next phase of his career in motion.

Read more of Kellan’s interview and check out his photoshoot at source! 😉

Stephenie Meyer Talks Eclipse Filming

Kim: The re-shoot worked. It was great. The emotion that was in the book was in that scene.

SM: It was interesting, because the original script for it, I was fine with but then they tweaked the script because they felt like one part of the conversation got a lot more in depth in the original we kind of already knew. You know, you have the whole rehash when Edward’s talking about “when I first met her” and they pulled that and instead went with the later part of the scene where Jacob’s like “how did you cope?” And I think the emotionality of it just went through the roof.

Kim: The dialogue between Rob and Jake, I mean Edward and Jacob

Alison: And it was so long, and I loved how long it was

SM: Yeah! I love that they just let it happen. I think that, that was Rob’s best day of shooting.
It was so funny, did you guys hear all the rumors about the problems? Rob was only supposed to be there for the last day. The first two were Jacob and Bella scenes where the wig had been a problem. The last day was the tent was the tent and that was it & it was a pretty easy shoot. The only problem for that day was that Kristen had the stomach flu and luckily, she was supposed to lay there, but between every like scene, oh, she was so sick. And Taylor, he was over digging around, grabbing garbage cans. Why is Taylor taking the garbage? Takes them over there so she could puke in them.
It was so sweet. Everybody was taking care of her and everything, but it was a hard day. You look at actors and a lot of people are like “I wanna be an actor” it’s so hard and then to sit there. She’s wanting to puke and she’s all feverish, and she’s having to do the shivering. She was a work horse that day. That was our only drama was that poor Kristen got sick, and I think it was food poisoning. But it was a great shoot. It was one of those days where at the end you’re like “We really killed it today! It’s gonna be great!” It was a great day.

Read more of the interview here

Stephenie Meyer’s Gift To Us Twifans!

Welcome to – the official site where you can read The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner for FREE – a special gift from Stephenie Meyer to her fans.
Check it out here enjoy the read guys!!!

Robert Pattinson Says Kristen Stewart Is Fierce

The Twilight vampire told Merrick, Dools and Ricki-Lee that meeting the 20-year-old actress for the first time was “weird”.

“It was weird. I mean, everything about the pairing with Kristen kind of worked out for the story,” he said.

“I went in to the audition having absolutely no idea of what to do and because of the way she was playing it kind of shocked me into doing a performance that I didn’t realise I could do.

“I guess she brings a kind of toughness and also a kind of mystery to Bella, which is not really there in the book.

“She’s kind of in a lot of ways, a damsel in distress in the book, and Kristen’s very…there’s a kind of fierce fierceness behind her, which I didn’t really expect the actress who played Bella would have.”

The British actor said he is still surprised at the success of Twilight and that its success puts a certain pressure on him.

“In the beginning I had no idea. It seems to get bigger and bigger and bigger every week that is going past,” he said.

Thats why we love her!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Eclipse Movie ‘Tie-in’ New Books Covers